WiFi Controlled Robot Using ESP8266

WiFi Controlled Robot Using ESP8266

[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]WiFi Controlled Robot Using ESP8266,wifi controlled robot using nodemcu codein this project we will study about  WiFi Controlled Robot Using ESP8266.This project can be used as such final year Project.It has an Android application used With which we send this commands
A web page has been created inside the wifi module which has a default IP address Wifi ip address is 192.168

In this project we will control the project with wifi esp8266.Five commands will be entered in the robot from the wifi module Which are described below


  • LEHT
  • STOP


Components Required


  1. Nodemcu esp8266 12 -E
  2. l298 h bridge
  3. 7805 voltage Regulator
  4. dc gare motors
  5. relay module
  6. wifi camera
  7. leds
  8. diode
  9. transistor
  10. optocupler
  11. jumper wires
  12. car chain
  13. battery 12 voltage
  14. pir sensor
  15. arduino uno or any other arduino


WiFi Controlled Robot Using ESP8266

A single PIR sensor is used in this robot which causes motion detector. As soon as a motion is detected, the PIR or the sensor will give a command to our WiFi module and it will give a command to our android.app

An LED is used in the rubber board, which you can control through the app.

Working of the Project(Intelligence Surveillance Robot)

In this project we have used 4 DC gear motor And they are controlled by four relay boards.We used the h-bridge to the relay board You can see its details in the circuit diagram With the WiFi module, we can control home automation and intelligence. We have used such transciver to this WiFi module Because we are also receiving and sending data through WiFi. When a button is pressed from android.app, the wifi module receives the data, after receiving that data, votes and turns and gives the signal.Then he receives this data by comparing it and after composing it I attach Tadka Kumar to him. As soon as the signal enters the relay module, The crying module works like this, the forward signal to the vehicle was right left all the signals. Call 1 district module w…
[1:43 AM, 8/24/2020] Kashif: We have used the buck converter for 5 volt supply, 12 volt battery is used, It goes to 12 volt buck converter This time converter converts this 12 volt into 5 words, a vehicle is connected to the bridge over it, so we tune it to 5 volts.


WiFi Controlled Robot Using ESP8266



WiFi Controlled Robot Using ESP8266


Final Project Report On Intelligence Surveillance Robot

The purpose of this fyp project is to provide
• Detect motion.
• Detect object.
• Movement toward the injured people inside the building or something.
• Detect living objects if anyone is alive.
• Provide quick service for emergency
Following are the major goals and objectives of our proposed system:
1) It goes inside the building
2) After go inside, Detect motion.
3) Provide audio video communication.
4) Provide live coverage to the rescue people.
5) Quick response to the injured people.
6) Night protected camera which give good video results
7) In dark areas we have LED for clear video.


wifi controlled robot using nodemcu code Programming





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