Arduino interfacing with LDR and servo motor

arduino interfacing sonar and buzzer vibration

Solar tracker

In this article we will learn how to interface Arduino with LDR and servo motor.
In the last post we learn about how to interface arduino interfacing IR Remote And Four Relay Module.
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Now a days I’m busy in giving interviews that’s why there was a little delay of making the projects ,I hope you appreciate my work ,lets discuss about today’s project.


  1. Solar Panel (1)
  2. LDR (2)
  3. Servo Motor (1)
  4. Arduino Nan (1)
  5. Resister 10k (2)
  6. 9V Battery (1)
  7. Toggle Switch (1)
  8. Connecting wire’s (as req.)


Connect negative terminal of battery to GND point of arduino nano.

Connect Positive terminal of battery to VIN point of arduino nano.

Connect both LDR 1, 1 point and then connect them to 5V point of arduino nano.

Connect the GND point of arduino to remaining points of LDR with 10K resister.

Connect the common point of LDR1 and resister to point of A0 of arduino.

Connect the common point of LDR2 and resister to point of A1 of arduino.

Connect the positive point of servo motor to 5V point of arduino.

Connect the negative point of servo motor to GND point of arduino.

Connect the yellow wire of servo motor to digital pin D3 of arduino.

Dress up the wire’s clean and tidy.



After connecting all the components, press the toggle switch, then servo motor will reset on its original position.

When the sun light spot on East side LDR then servo motor moves the panel toward the sun light.

As per, when the sun moves towards the west side LDR, then servo motor moves the panel towards the sun.


  1. Utility-Scale farms.
  2. Commercial and industrial installation.
  3. Residential solar system.
  4. Off-grid application
  5. Agricultural and farming operations.
  6. Research and testing.
  7. Emerging markets.


  1. More productivity
  2. Simple & Eco-friendly Energy
  3. Land Optimization
  4. Easy Monitoring