Wireless ESP32 Analog Sensor Monitoring System

Wireless ESP32 Analog Sensor Monitoring System

Wireless ESP32 Analog Sensor Monitoring System
ESP32 Analog Sensor Monitoring

Wireless ESP32 Analog Sensor Monitoring System with LCD Display and Web Interface

In this Article, we learn about how to make Wireless ESP32 Analog Sensor Monitoring System with LCD Display and Web Interface.

Let’s dive into

In the last post, we learned about how to make ESP32 Web-based Temperature monitoring system with DHT11 Sensor.




Components Require:

  1. ESP32
  2. I2C LCD
  3. Breadboard
  4. Potentiometer
  5. USB Cable
  6. Jumper wires
Wireless ESP32 Analog Sensor Monitoring System
ESP32 Analog Sensor Monitoring

ESP32 Analog Sensor Monitoring System

How it works:

This system integrates an ESP32 microcontroller with an analog sensor, an LCD display, and a web server. The ESP32 continuously reads the sensor, updates the LCD display, and provides real-time sensor data through a web interface that users can access from a web browser.

Circuit Diagram:

Wireless ESP32 Analog Sensor Monitoring System
Analog Sensor Monitoring System


  1. Environmental Monitoring
  2. Weather Station
  3. Research and Development
  4. Security Systems
  5. Custom IoT Projects