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arduino interfacing sonar and buzzer vibration
I HOPE YOU ARE DOING WELL, Today, I would like to share the Arduino Nano project Named Ultrasonic Sensor using Arduino Nano which may use for the help of blind persons by fixing sonar sensor on front of his glasses when any object comes on his front while walking the buzzer, and vibrator start Alarming…
bmp180 pressure sensor arduino circuit working pinout proteus library
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1] Pressure Sensor Interface Hi fellows! Hope you all good. In this Lesson we are interfacing BMP180 with I2C bus. BMP180 is basically a digital Pressure Sensor. These types of sensors have pressure varies from 300 to 1100h. It can operate at 1.8 to 3.6 volts. Pressure Sensor use for weather? To realize these…
Introduction to Arduino Diecimila
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]In this post I will discuss about the Arduino Diecimila in detail. In the previous articles I have discussed other Arduino microcontroller development boards such as Arduino UNO, MEGA, MICRO, PRO MINI, Lilypad, Leonardo etcetera where I have mentioned the unique features of each board and discussed in detail the hardware and pinout of…
Introduction to Arduino Ethernet
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]In this post I will discuss about the Introduction to Arduino Ethernet. In the previous articles I have discussed different Arduino microcontroller development boards such as Arduino UNO, MEGA, NANO, PRO MINI, MICRO, Lilypad etcetera. All these Arduino boards resemble to each other in some of the specifications and also are unique in their…
Arduino CNC Plotter with code
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]In this tutorial I will discuss about the CNC (Computer Numerical Control) plotter using Arduino microcontroller and stepper motors. Arduino CNC Plotter Basic Description: The CNC plotter is based on the controller which automates the control of machine tools and one of its popular applications is in 3D printing. This CNC plotter has…
Download Proteus Library of Components
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]in this projectiot123 tutorial we will Learn the Download Proteus Library of Components.The simulation model of an electronic component contains the information about the input and output relationship of the electronic component in the form of the mathematical equation. Download Proteus Library of Components Let us now summarize all the custom made simulation models…
Atmega328 Pinout for Arduino
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1] I hope you all are fine; in the previous tutorial I have discussed the 7805 linear regulator, working and the circuit of the regulator. In this tutorial I will discuss the pinout of the ATMEGA 328 which is the microcontroller on which Arduino UNO development board is based. After reading this post the…