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[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]LIGHT EMITTING DIODE A pn jinction diode which wmit light when forwar biased kbown aa light emiting diode LED. Construction It consists of N-type layer placed on a P-type substrate by a diffusion.Then a thinP-type laye is placed on the N-type layer.The metal connection to both the layers forms anode and cathode terminal…
introduction of laser diode
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]LASER DIODE Laser stand for Light Ampliction by stimulated emmision of radiation. laser is monochromatic light , monochromatic light consists on one color.having one wavelength it is also called coherent light.even LED emmits incoherent light.the symbol of laser are as in fig same like LED. Construction of LASER DIODE Laaer diode consists on a…
Introduction to Varactor Diode
I hope you all are fine; this is the ninth article in the series on introduction to basic electronic components. In the previous article I have discussed about the Transient Voltage Suppression (TVS) Diode in this article I will discuss the basics of the Varactor Diode. After reading this post the reader will be…
Transient Voltage Suppression (TVS) Diode
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]I hope you all are fine; this is the eighth article in the series on the introduction to basic electronic components. In the previous article I have discussed the basics of the photodiode, in this article I will discuss the basics of the Transient Voltage Suppression Diode more commonly known as the TVS diode.…
Introduction to Photodiode
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]I hope you all are fine this is the seventh article in the series on introduction to basic electronic components. In the previous article I have discussed about basics of the Zener diode in this article I will discuss the basics of the Photodiode. Introduction to Photodiode: After reading this…
Zener Diode Application
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]Hello friends I hope you all are fine; this is the sixth article in the series on introduction basic electronic components. In the previous article I have discussed the basics of the simple PN junction Diode. In this article I will discuss another commonly used electronic component Zener Diode. Introduction of Zener Diode: …
Introduction to LDR
I hope you all are fine; this is the fifth article in the series on the introduction of basic electronic components. In my previous article I have briefly discussed the Phototransistor in this tutorial I will discuss the Light Dependent Resistor commonly referred to as LDR. Introduction to LDR: After reading this post the…