raspberry pi gui based home automation using python
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1] In this post I will discuss about how to build the Home Automation System based on the Raspberry Pi using the Graphical User Interface in the Python language. In the previous post I have already how to build the simple Graphical User Interface in the Raspberry Pi using the Python language but in…
Raspberry PI GPIO interface with A4988
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]In this post I will discuss about how to interface the Raspberry Pi with the A4988 motor controller. In the previous posts I have discussed how to interface the Raspberry Pi with the Servo Motor and Stepper motor. The raspberry Pi was controlling the Stepper motor using the L298 motor controller. There are a…
Raspberry Pi Graphical User Interface
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]In this post I will discuss how to build the Graphical User Interface using Python in the Raspberry Pi. This post can be considered as first part where you will learn to build the basic Graphical User Interface (GUI) and in the second part you will learn the controlling of the home appliances using…
raspberry pi gpio programming example for servo motor Using Python
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]In this post I will discuss about how to interface and control the Servo Motor with Raspberry Pi using the Python IDLE. In the previous post I have discussed the Raspberry Pi interface with the Bipolar Stepper Motor I have used the L298 motor controller in the previous post. For the sake of this…
Raspberry Pi GPIO PINS with Stepper Motor using L298 Motor Controller
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]In this post I will discuss about how to interface the Raspberry Pi with the Stepper motor using the L298 Motor Controller. The Raspberry Pi can be used in different types of unmanned vehicle (UV) but to use Raspberry Pi in such robots we need to use some type of Motor controller because the…
Raspberry Pi based Home Automation System using Web Server with Python
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]In this post I will discuss how you can create your Home Automation System using Raspberry Pi. Most of you know that there are a lot of ways in which you can control the Home Appliances using Raspberry Pi via Wi Fi here I am using the web server to automate the home appliances…
Raspberry based Web Server using Python
[otw_is sidebar=otw-sidebar-1]In this post I will discuss the web server based on the Raspberry Pi using the Python IDLE, that is the Raspberry Pi will acts as the web server and give the content saved on it to the client which requests for the data. The Raspberry Pi will serve as the host and the…