Arduino interface with RFID simulation & LCD in proteus

Arduino interface with RFID simulation & LCD in proteus

In this article we will learn how to interface arduino with RFID simulation & LCD in proteus.
In the last post we will learn how to interface arduino with servo motor using MIT app. You can visit our website,
I hope you appreciate my work, let’s discuss about today’s project.

Components which we use in this project are listed below:

  1. Arduino nano
  2. LCD 16×2
  3. I2C bus
  4. LED
  5. Resistor 220K
  6. Virtual terminal (2)

Diagram of this project is listed below: 

Arduino interface with RFID simulation & LCD in proteus
Arduino interface with RFID simulation & LCD in proteus

Construction of arduino interface with RFID simulation & LCD in proteus

  • Connect the point RX of arduino to the point TX of virtual terminal
  • Connect the TX point of arduino to the point RX of virtual terminal
  • Connect the A5 point of arduino to the point 14 of I2C bus
  • Connect the A4 point of arduino to the point 15 of I2C bus
  • Connect the D13 point of arduino to the +ve side of LED
  • Connect the –ve side of LED to the R220
  • Connect the other side of R220 to GND
  • Connect A0,A1,A2 points of I2C bus to the GND
  • Connect the P0 point of I2C bus to the RS point of LCD
  • Connect the P1 point of I2C bus to the RW point of LCD
  • Connect the P2 point of I2C bus to the E point of LCD
  • Connect the P3 point of I2C bus to the D7 point of LCD
  • Connect the P4 point of I2C bus to the D4 point of LCD
  • Connect the P5 point of I2C bus to the D5 point of LCD
  • Connect the P6 point of I2C bus to the D6 point of LCD
  • Connect the P7 point of I2C bus to theD3 point of LCD

Working of Arduino interface with RFID simulation & LCD in proteus

Arduino can interface with RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) modules and LCD to create a project that reads RFID tags and displays information on an LCD screen.

Applications of Arduino interface with RFID simulation & LCD in proteus

  1. Access control system
  2. Attendance tracking
  3. Library management
  4. Smart home security

Advantages of Arduino interface with RFID simulation & LCD in proteus

  1. Ease of Use
  2. Cost-Effective
  3. Real-time Information
  4. Security

Program code of this project is below:

#include <Wire.h>

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x20, 16, 2);

int count = 0;

char c;

String id;


void setup() {



lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

lcd.print(“Please scan your”);

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print(“RFID TAG”);




pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

Serial.println(“Please scan your RFID TAG”);




void loop() {




c =;



id += c;

if(count == 12)









Serial.println(”  Valid TAG”);

lcd.println(”  Valid TAG”);


digitalWrite(13, HIGH);




digitalWrite(13, LOW);

Serial.println(”  Invalid TAG”);

lcd.println(”  Invalid TAG”);





count = 0;



