ESP32 Web-based Temperature monitoring system with DHT11 Sensor

ESP32 Web-based Temperature monitoring system with DHT11 Sensor
Temperature monitoring system

ESP32 Web-based Temperature monitoring system with DHT11 Sensor

In this Article, we learn about how to make ESP32 Web-based Temperature monitoring system with DHT11 Sensor.

In the Last Post, we learned about How to make DIY Ultrasonic Range Finder with ESP32.

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Components Required:

  1. ESP32 board
  2. Temperature sensor (DHT11)
  3. Power supply


Connect the DHT11 sensor with ESP32 as follow.

  • Connect the VCC pin of DHT11 with the 3.3V pin of ESP32
  • Connect the data pin of DHT11 with the GPIO 4 pin of ESP32
  • Connect the GND pin of DHT1 with the GND pin of ESP32

Circuit Diagram:

Temperature monitoring system with DHT11 Sensor
Circuit diagram

How it works:

The ESP32 web-based temperature monitoring system with a DHT11 sensor works by utilizing the ESP32 microcontroller to read temperature and humidity data from the DHT11 sensor. It then sends this data to a web server hosted on the ESP32, allowing you to access and view the readings via a web browser.

ESP32 Web-based Temperature monitoring system,with DHT11 Sensor
Temperature monitoring system

DHT11 working Principle:

ESP32 Web-based Temperature monitoring system with DHT11 Sensor
Temperature monitoring system with DHT11 Sensor

Video Tutorial:


  1. Home Automation
  2. Industrial Applications
  3. Healthcare
  4. Diy Project
  5. Education & Learning